Table of Contents




Part I: The Fundamentals

  1. Bitcoin Obsoletes All Other Money
    First Principles of Money

  2. Bitcoin, Not Blockchain
    A Foundation to Eliminate the Noise

  3. Bitcoin Is Not Backed by Nothing
    What Secures Bitcoin’s Fixed Supply

  4. Bitcoin Is Antifragile
    Gaining Strength through Adversity

  5. Bitcoin Is the Great Definancialization
    The Implications and Consequences

Part II: Common Misconceptions

  1. Bitcoin Cannot Be Copied
    Finite Scarcity Only Happens Once

  2. Bitcoin Is Not Too Volatile
    Volatility Does Not Prevent Adoption

  3. Bitcoin Does Not Waste Energy
    Scarcity Requires Real-World Cost

  4. Bitcoin Is Not Too Slow
    A Fixed Supply Is the Zero to One Innovation

  5. Bitcoin Is Not for Criminals
    Censorship Resistance Is All or Nothing

  6. Bitcoin Cannot Be Banned
    A Currency System beyond Governments

  7. Bitcoin Is Not a Pyramid Scheme
    Supply Constraints and Fundamental Demand

Part III: Bitcoin vs. The Dollar

  1. Bitcoin Fixes This
    The Solution to Money Printing

  2. Bitcoin Is a Rally Cry
    The Only Viable Path to Opt Out

  3. Bitcoin Is Common Sense
    Simplicity vs. Complexity

  4. Bitcoin Is One for All
    The Most Equitable System for Everyone

Part IV: Conclusion & Acknowledgements