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World of RPOW
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World of RPOW
Visions of the Future
There is more to the RPOW system than the client software and the single host and server which are presently operating. RPOW is designed with the potential for future expansion. However, this has introduced some complexity to the design.
Unlike many experimental software projects, the RPOW server needs to be in a relatively mature and stable state before initial deployment. The reason is that any change to the RPOW server's source code will change its memory image. RPOW's security depends on remote client software validating that the hash of the software running on the remote system matches that built into the client code. Any change to the RPOW server will cause the client codes to produce an error and refuse to talk to it. This is unfortunate, but it is a necessary condition for the RPOW security model to work.
Therefore it has been necessary to plan for all possible requirements for expansion and maintenance and to build these into the RPOW server even at the time of initial deployment. Key rollover, the addition of new RPOW server cards, and the operation and mutual cooperation of multiple RPOW servers located around the world, are all part of the RPOW design. These features as a whole comprise what I call the World of RPOW.
Key Rollover
Key rollover is the ability to periodically switch to a new set of keys in the RPOW server. There are several reasons for being able to do this.
One good reason is a general principle of cryptographic security. RPOW signing keys are 1024 bits, which provide plenty of strength against the best currently known methods of attack. However, if a key of this size were unchangeable throughout the lifetime of RPOW, it might nevertheless become an object of attack at some future date. Key rollover allows keys to be replaced by new ones, and the old ones can eventually be retired. In this way, the current RPOW key becomes a moving target, and even if future attack methods are eventually able to deal with 1024 bit RSA keys, rollover could make it so that by the time a key was broken, it was no longer in use.
Another reason is specific to the RPOW system. RPOW needs to keep a record of every RPOW token that it has seen, that was created by a given key. This is necessary to keep people from exchanging the same RPOW token twice for a new one. Therefore, over time, the seen-RPOW database will grow indefinitely. Database access to a larger file will be slower, and eventually there might be limitations due to available disk space. While anticipated RPOW usage levels make it unlikely that the database will become too unwieldy in the near future, the design does allow for this possibility.
Rollover in an RPOW system takes place in two steps. The first step is the replacement of the current RPOW signing key with a new key, generated on-board the RPOW server exactly as the original RPOW signing key was created. At the same time, a new database file is begun, to record RPOW entries which are being created by the new signing key. The secret part of the old key is deleted, but the public portion is retained; and similarly, the old database file is retained as well.
During this phase, both keys are accepted as signers of RPOWs, but only the new key can be used to create new RPOWs. Each RPOW has built into its data structure a keyid which identifies the key that was used to create it. When an RPOW is offered for exchange, the keyid is checked against a list of known valid keys. This will include both the new key and the old key. Each key in the known-valid list also has a database file associated with it, which is used to check for reuse of RPOWs created with that key. This means that when an RPOW is offered for exchange, either the new or the old key is used to validate it, and likewise either the new or the old database file is used to check for reuse. Therefore the old database file will continue to grow during this phase, as RPOWs created using the old key are gradually offered for exchange.
The client software must update its keys when a rollover occurs. The rollover not only updates the RPOW signing key, it also updates the separate communication key which is used to encrypt messages between the RPOW server and client. When client programs try to communicate with the RPOW system after it has done a key rollover, they will get a communications error. This will be a sign that they should execute the rekey function, which will download new keys from the RPOW server and validate the certificate chain which certifies the keys, to make sure they are keys from a legitimate and unmodified RPOW server.
Once the client has successfully rekeyed and validated the new RPOW keys, it should go through and exchange all its existing RPOW tokens for new ones. This happens automatically with the exchange function, as the client software will use the latest RPOW keys to generate the new RPOW tokens that it receives from the server, while the server will accept both old and new tokens, as described above.
The RPOW server operator should also make some effort to notify RPOW client users that a key rollover has occured and they should update their keys. There is no functionality built into the RPOW system for this, but usual methods like press releases, web page updates, RSS feeds, and so on can be used to get the world out.
After a period of time has elapsed long enough that all active RPOW users have exchanged their old RPOW tokens, there is no longer any need to maintain the old database file. The RPOW server includes a command to disable keys on its list of known RPOW public keys. This should eventually be done to the old key, at which point any RPOWs which were created with that key will no longer be accepted. They will become worthless, in effect, which is why it is important to wait long enough to be confident that active users have exchanged their tokens. At this time the old RPOW database file can be archived and deleted, freeing disk space and setting the scene for another rollover at some future time.
RPOW never forgets old public keys, even though they can be disabled and made unusable. This is for security reasons, to prevent an attack where a previously used public key is offered as a new key, using the cooperative feature described below. If that were possible, old RPOW tokens might be re-deposited because RPOW would not know to use the old seen-rpow database. To prevent this, RPOW forever remembers old public keys and their database information.
This means that in principle, old public keys can be re-enabled. If someone showed up years later with some extremely valuable RPOW tokens for an old public key, it would be possible to retrieve the old seen-RPOW database from archival storage, re-enable the public key, and exchange those old tokens. As long as the old seen-RPOW database is saved in some recoverable form, this will always be a possibility, in case of emergency.
RPOW servers also have the ability to cooperate with each other, as long as each one is running exactly the same version of the RPOW program, and all are executing on identically-architected IBM 4758 secure coprocessor boards. This has two main applications, one of which is clustering.
Clustering refers to the ability for a host system, or set of closely cooperating host systems, to run multiple RPOW servers. It is primarily intended as a performance enhancement. By running multiple servers, incoming RPOW exchange requests can be spread out among the servers, allowing the requests to be handled more rapidly. If RPOW should become a popular system and the single current RPOW server became a bottleneck for some use, it will be possible to add more servers to share the load.
As with other aspects of the RPOW system architecture, the main security condition remains the ability to resist "inflation" and to be sure that every RPOW was derived ultimately from a unique POW of equal value. This condition puts some very sharp constraints on how RPOW systems can work in a clustering and/or cooperative environment.
The main problem is the handling of the seen-rpow information. It is crucial that a given POW or RPOW token cannot be successfully exchanged more than once. This means that once one RPOW server has seen a token, we must be 100% confident that no other server can accept that same one.
One theoretical way to achieve this, not used in the RPOW system, would be to have all of the RPOW servers share signing keys, and to use some kind of shared database so that when one updated it having seen an incoming token, all of the other servers would see the same update. The main problem with this approach is the creation of a shared database given that the RPOW servers do not actually hold the database; each one only holds a hash or fingerprint of the entire database, and special cryptographic techniques are used to let them validate the integrity of the database information returned to them by the host. (See the theory page for more details.) Extending this system to a database which could be updated by multiple RPOW servers, without each one having to be notified of every transaction (which would defeat the efficiency goal) would add tremendous complexity to the RPOW system. It also would be questionable to have all RPOW servers share the same key, require cooperation in rollovers, and generally increasing difficulty of design and operation. Further, such a scheme would not generalize to allow servers spread throughout the world to cooperate, as described below. Ultimately, this approach was considered and rejected.
Instead, RPOW adopts an approach where each RPOW server has its own copies of its seen-rpow database files, not shared with any other servers in a cluster or elsewhere. Given this architecture, the only way to make sure that a POW or RPOW token cannot be exchanged more than once is to require that there is only one server where a given token can be exchanged.
Every RPOW or POW token has a cardid field which identifies a single, unique RPOW server where it can be exchanged. Actually, cardid is something of a misnomer, because it does not just identify a single IBM 4758 coprocessor card, it is actually unique across all instantiations of the RPOW server. What that means is that if an RPOW server is running on a particular 4758, and then that server is wiped, reset and restarted (as often happens during debugging or development), the new version gets a new cardid. But in normal use, once an RPOW server is installed, working and announced to the world, its cardid will never change.
It is important to understand the distinction between two similarly named concepts: cardid and the keyid described above. The cardid is unique to a particular RPOW server, and never changes through that server's lifetime. From the time the server is initialized, throughout its service lifetime, even though it may be powered off and on, or otherwise rebooted, the cardid remains the same. Only when the server gets its software reloaded or is commanded to wipe all its old keys and reinitialize itself from scratch does the cardid change. In particular, the cardid is unchanged across key rollover operations.
The keyid, on the other hand, is specific to a signing key, not to a server. Every RPOW signing key has associated with it a keyid (which is actually a hash of the signing key data). At any time, a given RPOW server has one keyid that it uses for its signatures. But when a key rollover occurs, a new key is generated, and the new key will have a new keyid. As described above, the card will retain the old key and still recognize RPOWs signed with the old keyid.
RPOW tokens have both cardids and keyids associated with them, which may be confusing. The keyid identifies the key which created the token. The cardid identifies the RPOW server where the token can be exchanged. Both of these values are chosen by the client software when the RPOW token is created; the keyid is determined by the signing key of the RPOW server where the client created the token by an exchange operation; and the cardid is chosen by the client software at exchange time and embedded in the newly created RPOW. In the simplest case, where there is only one RPOW server, it would be the cardid of the server which created the RPOW.
For a server to accept a POW or RPOW in an exchange, the cardid embedded within the token must match the cardid of the server. This is how we ensure that no token can be exchanged more than once at different servers. Further, for RPOW tokens, the keyid embedded in the token must match a key on the server's list of known-good signing keys. As described above, keys go onto that list when a rollover occurs, but there is another way as well:
In a cluster environment, where there are multiple RPOW servers, each one should know and trust the public keys of the other servers in the cluster. To allow this, servers accept an addpub command, to add a new public key to their trusted list. The public key is presented by the host as part of a certificate chain exactly the same as the certificate chain which RPOW servers present to clients to validate their keys. As described on the security page, this certificate chain validates that the key is installed on an IBM 4758 secure crypto coprocessor card, and that the card is running the RPOW server program. When a new public key is added to an RPOW server, it applies essentially the same tests that the client code does. It requires that the key come from a "twin" 4758 running a program whose hash matches its own. If the proferred key passes the tests, the RPOW server adds it to its internal list of trusted public keys, the same list that its own keys go onto at the time of a key rollover. From then on, RPOW tokens signed by those keys will be accepted for exchange, as long as they are otherwise acceptable.
In an RPOW cluster, then, each RPOW server has a list of trusted public keys which includes all of the signing keys of the other servers in the cluster. Any RPOW token signed by another server in the cluster can be accepted. But it is also necessary that the cardid field in the RPOW token match the server to which it is presented. To make this work, the cardid of the server that the client wants to talk with is sent outside the encryption envelope in the message that goes to the untrusted RPOW host. No other information is revealed. This cardid value tells the host which card in the cluster to forward the message to.
In order to achieve load balancing, clients must be aware of how many nodes are in the cluster, and their individual cardids. When a client receives an RPOW token, it must exchange it at the server identified by the cardid in that token. It can choose another server in the cluster, if desired, for the cardid of the new RPOW token that results from the exchange. The client's job may be slightly simpler if most or all of its saved RPOW tokens have matching cardids, as it will make it simpler to combine them (all of the RPOW tokens in a combine operation must have matching cardids since all must be accepted by a single server). The client can arrange this simply by putting the same cardid in all of its newly created RPOWs. As along as different clients randomly choose an RPOW server for the one they will use, load balancing will be successful and the clustering will allow for improved responsiveness and performance.
Worldwide Sharing
The same basic mechanisms described above to support clustering, where all the RPOW servers are run by a single entity on closely coupled computers, will also support a wide scale RPOW network of multiple servers, run by multiple entities, on multiple computers all over the world.
As with clustering, each RPOW server will have a unique cardid. RPOW tokens embed a cardid which determines which one of the RPOW servers will accept it for an exchange. At the time of an exchange, clients control the cardid of the new RPOW (it need have no connection to the cardid of the old RPOW), which will be the server where the new one can be exchanged. Clients may prefer to keep their saved RPOWs associated with an RPOW server in geographical (or network) proximity to facilitate occasional RPOW combining operations.
It will also be necessary, again as with clustering, that every RPOW server in the world know and trust the public keys of all of the other RPOW servers. The same mechanism is used, of using the addpub command to pass in an RPOW certificate chain from a remote server. The certificate chain will be subject to the same tests as in the clustering case, and the server key will be accepted as a valid signer if it passes.
The unique feature of RPOW security is that it is based ultimately not on trust in the owner of the card (in fact, the owner is untrusted!), but on trust in the software itself, and in the integrity of the IBM 4758 secure crypto coprocessor card. Whenever an RPOW key is presented with a certificate chain which authenticates it as a key from a valid, twin RPOW program running on a 4758, an RPOW server will accept the key and honor tokens signed by that key as if they were its own. In this way, RPOW servers put their faith and confidence in the security of the system in the same way that clients are asked to do.
The only additional information necessary for support of mutually cooperating RPOW servers located around the world is to remember the Internet address of each server. When clustering, all servers are assumed to have the same address, but with remote systems the addresses will all be different. For the clients, this is a mapping from cardid to Internet address. Given this additional information, when a client receives an RPOW, it looks up its cardid and finds the Internet address of the server where it can be exchanged. It then exchanges the RPOW token at that server, specifying the cardid of the client's "home" RPOW server for the new RPOW which is created during the exchange.
A client which exchanged many RPOW tokens with distant peers might also choose to maintain tokens that could be exchanged at the preferred RPOW server of those peers, as a courtesy so that they could do the exchange more easily. Many such mechanisms will be possible as client software is enhanced and improved in the future.
Rollovers and Sharing
In an environment of multiple RPOW servers, either clustered or remotely sharing trust, key rollover is still an important requirement. The basic mechanism is the same, and the only new step needed is that the new rollover key be propagated to all the other RPOW servers in the system. The same addpub command is used for this as for adding initial public keys from other servers. Each RPOW server can incorporate the new public key and add it to its trusted-keys list. After a time, as described above in the description of rollover, the database files associated with old public keys from other servers can be archived and deleted, and those public keys marked as inactive. It would be most convenient for clients if this were done on a coordinated basis by all server operators, although that is not strictly necessary.
Coordination is relatively important for the actual rollover itself. Immediately after key rollover, an RPOW server will begin using the new key to issue its RPOW tokens. At that point, other servers may begin seeing those tokens as people offer them for exchange. It will be important for the new key to be propagated and installed expeditiously among all the RPOW servers in the system, once rollover occurs. Otherwise clients will get error messages and they may have to re-submit RPOWs for exchange at a later time, once the new rollover key is widely available.
This implies that the various operators of RPOW systems will want to cooperate and coordinate their activities. They might use a mailing list or IRC to make sure that everyone is up to date.
Recovery from Failure
Once RPOW servers become widespread, it is inevitable that some of them will fail or be taken out of service. What will be the impact of such events on users of the system?
Generally speaking, if an RPOW server stops operating, all RPOWs held by clients whose cardid fields match that server will become worthless. They cannot exchange these RPOWs at any other server, because the cardid fields won't match. Allowing RPOW servers to accept tokens for other cardids would introduce potential security holes, and there are better solutions.
In the ideal situation, an RPOW server operator will be able to give notice to users that he intends to cease operations at some future date. In that case, RPOW clients will have no difficulty in exchanging any RPOW tokens they hold whose cardids match the retiring server for new RPOW tokens with some other cardid. That is all that is necessary to escape any problems caused by the shutdown of the server.
The worst case occurs when a server shuts down without warning, as might happen for example in a hardware failure of a 4758, or, remote as the possibility may seem, a failure of the RPOW software causing some kind of unrecoverable crash of the 4758 card. The IBM 4758's tamper-sensitive features could be subject to false positives due to extremes of temperature, radiation, or power fluctuations. Someone who was running an RPOW server in a poorly conditioned environment might find his 4758 card falsely assuming it was under attack and resetting itself, clearing all sensitive information including the RPOW signing keys.
In any such scenario, as mentioned above, all RPOWs associated via cardid with the server in question are effectively lost. There is not much that clients can do to protect themselves against this, although they could choose to spread their RPOW cardids among a variety of servers in order to minimize the impact if one goes down. As described above, this will make RPOW-combine operations a little more involved, requiring an extra exchange step so that all of the RPOWs being combined have matching cardids. But the extra peace of mind gained from spreading out the risk of loss may be worthwhile.
Hopefully, by the time this problem becomes a realistic possibility, there will be enough RPOW servers in the system that the loss of one of them will represent a relatively small percentage of the total RPOW value of the system.
One other form of loss should be considered: the possibility that an RPOW server operator is somehow able to breach the security of the system and get his RPOW card to emit tokens without paying for them. As discussed in detail on the security page, there are certain entities, such as IBM insiders, who in principle might have the power to commit such fraud. There are good reasons to expect this not to happen, but if it ever did, RPOW server operators do have the ability to disable RPOW public keys from other cards. If somehow it became known that a particulare RPOW card was creating bogus tokens, that card's public key could be disabled, and future public keys from the card could be kept out of the system.
However, it is strongly believed that such a failure mode is unlikely in the extreme, and it is presented here only for completeness. A more likely failure along these lines is some flaw in the design of the RPOW system that allows operators to misuse their cards. It is hoped that outside review of the RPOW source code will aid in identifying any such weaknesses before the system is too widely deployed, so that they can be fixed during the early testing phases of the system. By the time RPOW is in widespread use (if the project should progress to that point) there is good reason to expect that the system will be robust against attack by RPOW operators, and that clients of the system can be confident in the security provided by the RPOW system.