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- What is the RPOW system?
- How is RPOW pronounced?
- How do I know the RPOW system is secure?
- What is the difference between RPOW and Hashcash?
- What is the difference between RPOW and Ecash?
- What are some possible applications of the RPOW system?
- How fast is the server?
- If RPOW becomes popular, how could one server handle all the users?
- Won't Moore's Law mean that tokens lose their value over time?
- Why can't users pass RPOW tokens to each other without using a server?
- Won't the RPOW server run out of disk space if it keeps track of all tokens it has ever seen?
- Are you going to make changes to the RPOW system?
- Why did you choose the IBM4758 Secure Cryptographic Coprocessor as the platform for the RPOW server?
- Wasn't the IBM 4758 security broken a few years ago?
- Hasn't the SHA-1 hash used in RPOW been broken?
- The RPOW system has three parts: client, host, and server. The client is a software library (plus a simple command-line driver for demonstration purposes) to allow generation and exchange of RPOW tokens. The host software runs on the PC which has the IBM 4758 cryptographic coprocessor card plugged into it. It acts as an intermediary, listening for connections from the net and passing data between client and server. It also assists the server with certain operations. The server runs on the IBM 4758 card and performs the secure cryptographic operations which implement the RPOW system.
- RPOW is pronounced are-pow.
- The security of the RPOW system ultimately depends on its design and its implementation. For the design, see the theory and security pages. For the implementation, see the source code available from the download page. The unique properties of the RPOW system design allow you to remotely verify that the program generated from the source code you download here is what is actually running on the RPOW server. If the design and implementation are sound, and that program is what is running on the server, you have a foundation for trust in the security of the system.
- RPOW uses hashcash for its proof of work (POW) tokens. Hashcash tokens are evidence that a certain substantial amount of computer effort was expended to create them. RPOW allows hashcash tokens to be exchanged for RPOW tokens of an equivalent value, which can then be further exchanged for new RPOW tokens. The effect is similar to being able to pass hashcash tokens from hand to hand while they retained their value, as if they were real physical objects that had an inherent rarity.
- Ecash, or electronic cash, is a proposal to create tokens that would be a form of money. A number of ecash systems have been fielded over the years, although so far none have been commercially successful. RPOW uses some of the same technology as certain ecash systems, such as a central server which uses digital signatures to create tokens. However, RPOW tokens do not carry monetary value. And the RPOW system does not require the use of blinding technology in order to protect user privacy. Without blinding, conventional ecash systems would offer users little privacy. RPOW's unique transparency features allow end users to verify that the system will not record the details of their transactions and will protect their privacy, even without cryptographic blinding. See the security page for more information on privacy.
- Possible uses for RPOW include anti-spam tokens, "play money" for use in online games and fun bets, an aid to load balancing in P2P and file-exchange systems, and more. Any system which would benefit from a form of token which can be cheaply passed from user to user, but which is expensive to create, might want to look into RPOW.
- The RPOW server can currently perform about 8 exchanges per second. The slowest steps are the RSA decryption of the incoming message, and the RSA signature of the outgoing RPOW tokens.
- RPOW at present is a proof of concept intended for experimental, non-commercial use. Nevertheless I intend to keep it running for an extended period if possible, in order to let people experiment with the system, and to have some confidence that the RPOW tokens they receive will retain their value. If the concept proves successful it will be possible to expand the system to allow multiple RPOW servers to exist and to share the load of performing the exchanges. See the World of RPOW page for information on expanding RPOW to include multiple servers in a cluster or around the world.
- If Moore's Law continues to hold true, the cost of creating a POW token will drop at a steady, exponential rate. This will mean that RPOW tokens will in fact lose value, in that an N bit token will be faster to compute today than it was in the past. However, the RPOW system is designed to handle tokens with a wide range of sizes, such that the most expensive token (50 bits) will take about a billion times longer to create than the least expensive one (20 bits). Further, many experts expect computer performance increases to begin falling off the Moore's Law curve (some say it has happened already). These factors should allow RPOW tokens to continue to be useful many years in the future. Keep in mind that this is not money and is not intended to be a stable store of value, but rather an easy-to-exchange representation of computer effort.
- The RPOW server may appear to be a bottleneck in the design, but actually it is a crucial element. The problem with any digital datum as a representation of value is that it can be reproduced effortlessly. If users could pass RPOW tokens without going through the server, someone could create a single high-value token and then pass it around as many times as he wanted. The RPOW server keeps a record of all tokens which it has ever seen, and uses this to ensure that any created token is only exchanged once. Of course, after an exchange the new token can be exchanged again, and so on, but this is limited to sequential reuse. The result is similar to a physical object which is passed from person to person.
- Given the size of disks available today, it would take many years before the seen-RPOW database would begin to fill a multi-gigabyte disk drive. And by then, bigger disks will be available. Nevertheless, in case it becomes necessary, the RPOW system does include a plan for rollover. The RPOW server can be commanded to create a new set of keys and start a new database. Old RPOW tokens can still be exchanged, but only new tokens will be created. The old database will still be used for the old tokens. Eventually there will be so few old tokens out there, tokens which their owners have not bothered to exchange in many months or years, that the old database can be erased and old tokens no longer honored. See the World of RPOW page for more information on the key rollover design.
- Due to the nature of the security of the IBM 4758 board, and the architecture of the RPOW system, any changes to the RPOW server software will wipe the keys on the board. That would mean that all RPOW tokens out in the field would become worthless. Hence, I do not intend ever to change the RPOW server source code. I will attempt to keep the server running and unchanged for an indefinite period. The only exception will be if, through public review, someone finds a security weakness in the RPOW implementation which would defeat the security goals of the system. In that case it will be necessary to start over from scratch with new code, and new RPOW tokens will have to be created. I hope it won't be necessary. The RPOW server code is not all that complicated, so there is reason to expect that it does not have flaws sufficient to defeat its security.
- The IBM 4758 coprocessor card has a number of desirable features for an RPOW server. For one, it is highly secure against physical attack, making it extremely unlikely that an RPOW operator could manipulate his server and make it misbehave, or steal the keys or other private information. But the most important feature of the IBM 4758 for this project is its support for what IBM calls Outbound Authentication. This capability, also known as Remote Attestation, allows the board to issue a signed certificate chain, using a private crypto key that never leaves the board, which attests to a cryptographic hash or fingerprint of the software running on the board. This certificate chain ultimately goes back to an IBM root key which is published on IBM's web servers and in the 4758 documentation. It is this capability which is the foundation for RPOW's security, the ability of remote users to validate that the published RPOW source code is actually running on the RPOW server that they are communicating with. No other secure hardware that I am aware of presently supports remote attestation based on a published key, as IBM does. This makes the IBM 4758 the only possible platform for RPOW servers.
- In early 2005, a group of Chinese researchers announced an attack on the SHA-1 hash which allows them to find collisions about 2000 times faster than brute force search. This attack could have two potential impacts on RPOW. First, RPOW bases its value on hashcash, which uses the SHA-1 hash. However, hashcash does not depend on hash collisions. Technically it uses what are called partial pre-images of zero. At this point, cryptographers agree that the new techniques do not help to speed up searches for pre-images. This suggests that the new techniques will not affect the generation of hashcash. Second, the IBM 4758 uses SHA-1 in its attestation certificate structure. This is the foundation for trusting that the source code published on the RPOW web site matches what is running in the RPOW server. The attack on SHA-1 is more serious in this context. In principle it would allow someone to create two versions of a software package which would both have the same hash but would work differently. However, RPOW users are protected against this attack in two ways. First, the RPOW server began operating in August, 2004, well before the SHA-1 attack was published. And second, to apply this technique it is necessary to include a block of random-looking "junk" data in the RPOW program image, which could be altered in the two versions. Since RPOW is designed to be built by anyone on the net, it is straightforward to examine the source code and see that there are no such meaningless blocks of random data in the source. All of the code and data is logical and necessary for the operation of the server. This shows that the new attacks are not being used and that the RPOW server source code does in fact build the RPOW memory image running on the server.