The Satoshi Nakamoto Institute is advancing and preserving bitcoin knowledge

Gradually, Then Suddenly painting

Gradually, Then Suddenly by Parker Lewis now online

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O Satoshi Completo

Between 2008 and 2012, Satoshi Nakamoto shared with the world a brilliant vision and the code to build it.

O Whitepaper

A visão original.


Tudo começou aqui.

Mensagens do fórum

Onde uma ideia floresceu.

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O Bitcoin não foi forjado no vácuo. Estes trabalhos servem para contextualizar o bitcoin na história mais ampla da criptografia e liberdade.

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O Mempool

Onde ideias esperam ser mineradas na blockchain da consciência coletiva

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Crash Course

A partial annotated bibliography of the Mempool, building the case for why bitcoin will displace all competing currencies, including altcoins, fiat money, and precious metals

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Os Céticos

A tribute to bold assertions

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Tribute to Hal Finney

Celebrating the cypherpunk and early bitcoin developer

RPOW - Provas de Trabalho Reutilizáveis

See the original code and website

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O Podcast Cripto-Mises oferece comentário sobre Bitcoin, economia, criptografia, e eventos atuais.

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